F.A.Q | Smart Solutions Solar



Below is a list of frequently asked questions about solar for your home or business. Are there other things you’d like to know about solar.

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There are absoulutely zero upfront costs when going solar. You will not pay a penny until your solar system is installed, activated, producing your power, and replacing your old utility bill. Guaranteed.

You have a couple options when you move.

Transfer the solar bill to the new homeowner

Switch the name on the bill, just like you would with your regular utility bill.

Roll the remainder of the system into your home value

You can also pay off the remainder of your agreement and bake that value directly into the price of your home, meaning prospective buyers won't worry about an electricity bill at all.

During the day, your system produces energy which is tracked through your smart meter. You receive credits from the utility company whenever you produce more energy than you consume.

The federal tax credit equals 30% of your total system cost. This will offset your federal tax liability or what you pay in federal taxes per year. Most customers who pay federal taxes qualify for this tax credit. Please consult with your CPA to be sure you qualify

You are in charge of qualifying for our solar system, signing some paperwork, and granting access to your roof. We handle the rest of the work.


Solar power, like other renewable energy resources, has many environmental and health benefits. Going solar reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, and also results in fewer air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, which can cause health problems.

When you install a solar energy system on your property, you save money on your electricity bills and protect yourself against rising electricity rates in the future. How much you can save depends on the utility rates and solar policies in your area, but going solar is a smart investment regardless of where you live.

The easiest way to find out how much you pay for electricity (and how much electricity you use per month) is to take a look at your utility bill. Review EnergySage’s guide to reading your electricity bill to find out exactly what to look for.


Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. The most significant is the 26 percent federal investment tax credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. Some states offer additional tax credits, and certain municipalities and utilities also offer cash rebates or other incentives.

The amount of power your solar energy system can generate is dependent on sunlight. As a result, your solar panels will produce slightly less energy when the weather is cloudy, and no energy at night. However, because of high electricity costs and financial incentives, solar is a smart decision even if you live in a cloudy city.